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Basic Overview Of Music Production


Welcome to the world of music production! It’s a complex, challenging and rewarding process. Luckily for you, we’re here to help you navigate it. In this article, we’ll discuss everything from how to use a DAW (digital audio workstation) and what mastering is, all the way through hiring an engineer and buying beats online. We’ll even give some tips on making your own beats if that’s what you want!

How to use a DAW, what is a DAW, and what does it do?

A Digital Audio Workstation, or DAW, is a piece of software that allows you to record, edit and mix audio. The word “Digital” refers to the fact that it uses digital audio signals rather than analog (analog being a signal at any point in time).

DAWs are used by professional producers and engineers for recording music and by hobbyists for home use. A DAW typically consists of an interface for connecting equipment such as microphones, guitars, and synthesizers; built-in software instruments such as synths; effects processors; signal processing modules such as compressors; utilities like comping tools; automation features like MIDI controllers.

The basics of exporting and mastering your song.

When you’re ready to start exporting, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Exporting is the process of saving your song as an audio file and sending it off for mastering. The first step is making sure that everything in your production has been organized properly so that when you export your song, everything comes together smoothly. For example, if you have multiple tracks playing at once (like drum samples) and they’re all on different tracks in the software, they need to be grouped or consolidated into one track before exporting them together.

In order to master a track properly and get it sounding as good as possible before sending it off to be professionally mastered by a professional engineer (which can cost anywhere from $50-$150 dollars per song), there are some steps we need to take first:

  • Consolidate any tracks that need consolidating into one single track (this might include combining vocals with other instrumental parts).
  • Group similar elements together logically so they sound good when mixed together or sequenced on top of each other (for example drums would generally go on their own group).

After doing this consolidation work then we’re ready for exporting!

Why you should hire an engineer.

If you want to improve your music, you have to work with an engineer. It’s not just about sound quality; it’s also about how they’ll help you approach your projects and what they can do for your business.

Pros and cons of buying beats online.

The advantages of buying beats online are plentiful, but there are some pitfalls to watch out for. Here’s what you need to know:

  • The price is right! Buying beats online is the easiest way to get a hot beat at a good price. You can find high-quality beats for under $200 and even as low as $20 if you’re lucky.
  • Convenience! It’s never been easier or faster to buy music online than it is now with sites like Beatstars and Soundclick. All that’s required of you is an internet connection and a credit card (or PayPal account). You don’t have to leave your house or go through layers of bureaucracy just because you want some new hip hop music in your life!
  • Variety! With so many options available on these websites, there’s bound to be something that catches your eye—a particular type of beat style, genre or artist that inspires you? If so then check them out!

The disadvantages include:

There’s a lot more to music production than recording vocals in your closet.

Music production is a far more complex process than you might expect. The average music producer will be expected to have a number of different skillsets and talents, including:

  • Recording vocals in your closet.
  • Mixing and mastering.
  • Playing guitar or piano in a band.


Production is a big part of the music industry, but it’s also super complicated. There are so many things to consider when producing a song, from recording vocals and mixing them with other instruments (like guitars) to mastering your track so that it sounds professional enough for radio play or streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music. It’s not just about making something sound good though – there are plenty of other factors that come into play when creating an album or EP! If this has piqued your interest in becoming a producer then check out our blog post on how to get started with production as well as some tips on gear purchases before diving into this career path because let me tell you: It takes time

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